confirmation bias

Developing expertise #4 Acknowledge emotions

2016-07-16T14:57:53+01:00July 16th, 2016|Featured, training|

In previous posts I've discussed how creating the right environment, seeking better feedback and creating 'circuit breakers' could help us the develop the kind of expertise required to hone our intuition. This post discusses the role of emotions and how we could change the way we respond to our feelings. Our emotions provide us with important and useful data, but much of this information is misleading and requires conscious processing. We tend to be all too willing to go with our guts, trust hunches and do what 'feels right' without much understanding of where our emotions comes from or what they might be really telling us. Whilst our emotions can feel more [...]

Why do edtech folk react badly to scepticism? Part 2: Confirmation bias

2016-02-23T16:12:00+00:00February 23rd, 2016|Featured, technology|

In Part 1 I explored the concept of vested interest and how it could lead us to make decisions and react in ways which might, to others, appear irrational. This post address another predictable way we make mistakes: the confirmation bias. Confirmation bias, the tendency to over value data which supports an pre-existing belief, is something to which we all routinely fall victim. We see the world as we want it to be, not how it really is. Contrary to some of the accusations levelled at me, I don't hate technology. Far from it. I'm just sceptical about unbridled enthusiasm. Technology might help in [...]

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